Chris DeMuth Jr | TalkMarkets | Page 4
Partner, Rangeley Capital
Contributor's Links: Sifting the World
Rangeley Capital invests with a margin of safety by buying securities at deep discounts to their intrinsic value and unlocking that value through corporate events.

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Congratulations Covidien: You Escaped In Time
Whether it is currency controls, emigration restrictions, or global taxation, when the state begins to restrict getting out, it is time to drop everything and get out. American companies are being coerced into accepting the uneconomic decision of staying based in the US.
Betting On Putin's Russia
In early 2003, Mikhail Khodorkovsky confronted Vladimir Putin over Russia's state corruption.
Mo' Money, Mo' Cash Deals With Attractive Spreads
There are attractive opportunities in the universe of merger arbitrage spreads. Especially a number of deals that have had major scares over the past months. Such scares can lead to spreads that remain much wider than they previously.
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